just leaving my desktop mining safex in the background, generating 1k sfx per day pretty neat.

04 Nov 2023, 23:15
just leaving my desktop mining safex in the background, generating 1k sfx per day pretty neat.

Same news in other sources

Safex Token
Safex TokenSFT #1257
04 Nov 2023, 23:16
at this rate, i can buy one of those lambo cars on the safex market after a couple of weeks of mining so far, i feel like im set to mine out another 1 in the next two weeks too
at this rate, i can buy one of those lambo cars on the safex market after a couple of weeks of mining so far, i feel like im set
at this rate, i can buy one of those lambo cars on the safex market after a couple of weeks of mining so far, i feel like im set to mine out another 1 in the next two weeks too